
Persuasive Essay About Taking Steroids

Decent Essays

What if Athletes knew about the effects and consequences about taking steroids, would they still abuse them? In America today sports are very important resulting in athletes wanting to look good so, they take steroids without them knowing much like why they were invented, if it helps their performance, and hurt long term health.
What if Athletes knew about the effects and consequences about taking steroids, would they still abuse them? In America today sports are very important resulting in athletes wanting to look good so, they take steroids without them knowing much then, why they were invented, if it helps their performance, and hurt long term health. First, this will show you how steroids were invented and how they were used at first. The nature of human competitiveness came into place and people strived to better than others. “In the 1860s, a group of swimmers in Amsterdam were charged with …show more content…

People are so interested in their sports performance. “Anabolic steroids work by helping the body's muscle cells produce more protein, which as long as the athletes works out, leads to increased muscle size and strength and, at the same time, also allows the body to produce more ATP, the "fuel"muscles need to move.”(Horwitz). “Testosterone is a naturally occurring steroid hormone that not only promotes bone density and muscle growth, but also produces sperm in the testes. ... Perhaps the biggest myth is that choosing testosterone replacement therapy to increase testosterone levels will produce exactly the same side effects as abusing steroids.”(What’s the Difference…). Athletes are always interested in looking good for the crowd and they think they have to look good. “Athletes use drugs for therapeutic and recreational purposes, as supposed ergogenic aids, and to mask the presence of other drugs during testing.”(Abuse of Drugs…). Scientists are making new steroids called Designer steroids that are

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