
Persuasive Essay About Torture

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“Please, please stop it! Just make it stop I’ll tell you anything! Please,” Ella screams. She tries to tell the attackers the truth, but, regardless of what she says, they don’t believe her. Under these circumstances, she decides to lie and tell them exactly what they want to hear. Torture is pointless because people will lie in order for the pain to stop and the interrogators have no accurate strategy to know if it is a lie or the truth, it impairs memory, and the interrogators can be torturing people who are truly not involved. For these reasons, torture is ineffective at guaranteeing a truthful confession and should be banned as an information gathering strategy. Numerous people believe that if someone knows information that puts them in a situation of being tortured then, they must deserve it anyhow. Along with that idea, others simply believe that everyone has a breaking point where if one does enough to someone, they will end up telling the truth. It can furthermore be viewed that torture is for the greater good. These people feel as though the torture and pain of a few people is better than the “possible” murder of innocent civilians (Mackler). Plenty of people are under the impression that those who are tortured do not receive any serious permanent damage. Although a handful of the population believes that torture will overall help, torturing someone will rarely ever help a situation. People will do whatever it takes in order to not be in pain, it’s natural human

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