
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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In the United States, there is a right to have an abortion. The right to have an abortion affects not only women, but everyone. Some believe that the act of having an abortion is murder, yet, others do not believe anything to be wrong with abortion. The act of abortion has been an issue for many years. Is abortion “murder,” or is murder off the table, since the fetus is too young for developmental stages. Women of all ages have the right to abortion; yet should it be legal? Abortion is a significant topic, because many do not know whether they are killing an actual living being or not. The answer is not white and black. The fetus will become a person one day, but having an abortion would destroy the fetus, stopping its growth. In the US, …show more content…

Another procedure for abortion is the dilation and evacuation procedure. Dilation and evacuation is a surgical procedure usually performed after a 16-week gestation period. Normally, 24 hours before the procedure, a doctor inserts a synthetic dilator (laminaria) inside the patient’s cervix. Next, after the 24-hour period is over, the doctor treats the patient with a tenaculum. The tenaculum holds the uterus and cervix in place, thus continuing the dilation process. Then, the doctor inserts medication into the cervix to apply numbness. Prior to applying the medication for numbness, the caregiver injects the patient to make sure that the fetus dies. The cannula removes tissue along the parietal layer (tissue lining the cavity). A curette, is a spoon shaped instrument used to remove any remaining tissue lining the cavity after use of the cannula. The last step of this procedure ends with suction (the removal of the fetus). The patient receives an antibiotic to prevent infection. This procedure only lasts for about 30 minutes. Certain side effects are cramping, nausea, and bleeding that usually lasts for two weeks after the procedure. Other, uncommon, side effects may occur, such as damage to the uterus or cervix, uterine perforation, blood clots, and infection. (“Surgical Abortion Procedures: Types, Side Effects and Risks” 2017).
After 21 weeks of gestation, the process of a procedure known as dilation and extraction

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