
Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment

Decent Essays

When talking about social injustices, capital punishment is the worst one of all. It is the final straw of any government sanctioned disciplinary action. There is no going back, no reversing or patching up mistakes. When a government makes the decision to exact capital punishment on someone, that’s it. They can no longer redeem themselves, atone for their sins, and try to contribute to society in a good, well-mannered way because they will no longer exist in this world. This act of ‘justice’ is clearly a violent, totally unacceptable way of dealing with criminals. Everyone should be given another chance no matter how serious their crimes are; the life sentence is punishment enough, there is no need to murder someone. The definition of …show more content…

These injustices are still happening today, and for what reason? Well, the main reason for capital punishment is that governments believe it is a good way to deter crime – and they are right, capital punishment has been proven to prevent crimes from happening because would be criminals are too afraid to commit. But is that a worthy, acceptable reason for killing a fellow human? Capital punishment is only justified until you realize the gravity of the sacrifice. Capital punishment also happens because people say the cost of an execution is many times less than putting someone behind bars for a life sentence. First of all, money should in no way affect someone’s decision to take another’s life on account of justified retaliation. Second, these ‘facts’ are not even accurate. Each person sentenced to the death penalty in Texas costs approximately 2.3 million US dollars. The cost of putting someone in a maximum security prison for a life sentence is about one third of that. Not only is jailing a criminal the morally correct decision, but it also costs less than the alternative. Another reason the death sentence occurs is because people honestly believe that the death of these criminals is the proper level

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