
Persuasive Essay On Driving

Decent Essays

When I was first starting to learn how to drive, I made sure to be an attentive and studious driving student. I would pay attention to the drawn-out summer classes and, at home would take online practice tests religiously. When the time finally came for me to take the driving test, I breezed through it with ease. As a newly licensed driver I was astonished that my first car was not an Italian sports car as I had imagined. As my parents soon explained, this my first introduction to the world and I was labeled as a risk to society. My parents further explained the situation to me by showing me the numbers on the declaration page. As a good driver with no tickets or accidents, I have yet to experience insurance in any other way besides a monthly expense. As Dr. Ferguson said at the beginning of the semester, we cannot hold or feel insurance, so I had not previously had a concept of the importance of an auto policy. Every day I commute to and from either school, and or campus where I park my car in free public parking and trust that no one or nothing damages my car in any way. Dr. Fergusons lectures raised my awareness of the frequency and severity of automobile claims and the hazards that I face every day. If I break down the hazards and perils that I face in a week maybe it would be easier to visualize the value I get from my premium payments. Let’s break down an average week for me as far as driving/ my car is concerned. On Mondays I wake up early and head to campus where I

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