
Persuasive Essay On Drug Addictions

Decent Essays

Meet Aaron Short. A 26 year old average male who lives with his beloved mother, father and little sister in Hoppers Crossing. Young and in love. Making plans for the future. As perfect as this life sounds, Aaron’s happiness is not so clear cut. In August 2015, Aaron experienced a tragic relapse in his addiction to heroin. It was this drug that took Aaron’s life in a fatal overdose later that month. What is even more heartbreaking is that Aaron is not alone. Aaron joins thousands of other Melbournians who are stuck in hopeless drug addictions, with limited resources available to save their lives. So what can be done even begin to tackle such a problematic and sensitive issue? It starts with a trial. A trial for a supervised drug injecting room in Melbourne. As concerning as this may sound, if we want to save the lives of helpless victims, reduce criminal activity and protect our community, we must keep an open mind and unite as a community to urge the government to introduce a trial.
Firstly, a trial for a drug injecting room in Melbourne would save lives by preventing fatal overdoses and the spread of diseases. You may be wondering how shooting up with illegal drugs will save lives. But when considering the opportunities these facilities provide addicts makes the health benefits abundantly clear. An injecting room trial would provide addicts with clean, sterilised needles to prevent the spread of deadly diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C, along with professional staff

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