
Persuasive Essay On Euthanasia

Decent Essays

Euthanasia, one of the most debatable topics in our time, has slowly gained approval by some countries. The first country to accept euthanasia was the Netherlands and little by little has gained some momentum. According to an article in Medical News Today the definition of euthanasia is “assisted suicide by a physician or doctor with the intent of ending someone’s life to relieve persistent suffering” (Nordqvist, 2016). In the United States, there are only six states that consider euthanasia legal and they are California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and the DC area, with Montana allowing it with the approval of the courts. In the remaining states, it is still considered illegal to practice euthanasia and assisted suicide (, 2017). Euthanasia should be considered as an option when patients have very little time left to live especially for those that can have their self-esteem damaged beyond repair. “But now he was being cared for by his children. Like a baby, he was being fed mashed, soft food and wearing a nappy. He hated himself and hated what had become of his once proud image. On more than one occasion he expressed a desire to die and asked me to help him” (Downey, 2014). With this patient, he used to be a role model to his children and now the tides have turned and to him it is very embarrassing that his children have to feed him like a baby. Some people just worry about the pain they will go through by losing their loved one, but they rarely take into consideration the pain that their loved one is going through. There is physical pain that can be caused by certain diseases such as a patient with cancer in their liver. The patient goes through excruciating pain that the family members do not know what that feels likes. Then there is emotional pain that the patient goes through; in fact, one clear example is the patient that was mentioned above where it stated that he wanted to die because he was no longer the “proud image” that he once withheld. When considering possible choices for certain patients, money should always be looked at since medical care is such an expensive “luxury” that people in this country have. A terminal ill patient should always be allowed to have various

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