
Persuasive Essay On Football

Decent Essays

Specific purpose: To convince my audience to back the move to hold the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar.
Central idea: FIFA is focused on bringing people together and break down barriers, therefore, despite the many controversies concerning the ability of Qatar holding the games, it is a great idea as it will help in promoting cohesion.
According to FIFA (2014), its mandate is to develop football in every part of the world and for all the people. The association turns the accomplishment of the FIFA World Cup into football expansion and restructuring its assets to the international football community. Also, it is dedicated to capitalizing in the global football progress. FIFA World Cup 2022 has been met with a lot of controversies, especially, after the announcement that the games will be held in Qatar. Mainly, countries and human rights organizations have expressed their concerns on the issue (Gibson, 2014). Some argue that Qatar offers unsafe environment especially for the many migrant laborers who are tasked with building infrastructure to host the World Cup. Despite all the arguments, it is significant to focus on the benefits that the FIFA World Cup 2022 will have in the country and also on the bid by the federation to promote cohesion globally. FIFA is focused on bringing people together and break down barriers, therefore, despite the many controversies concerning the ability of Qatar holding the games, it is a great idea as it will help in promoting unity.

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