
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana can also help addicts in recovery by easing the symptoms of withdrawal and allowing the person to feel better as they recover by using either an indica strain, or a hybrid strain with a high amount of CBD. When an addict detoxes, it can cause withdrawal, which can make the recovering addict feel all kinds of negative emotions and symptoms such as depression, anxiety, nausea, and many others. Different marijuana strains can help ease the symptoms of withdrawal, therefore helping the addict detox and recover. This could help more addicts feel more inclined about getting the help they need, because what they fear the most about quitting, which is the feeling of withdrawal, will be easier to deal with. It gives the recovering addict a cushion so it’s not as hard. This can also reduce the number of people using methadone to stay off of drugs because they’ll be able to get clean and stop using them all together. Although methadone would be a recommended route of action for a heroin addict in withdrawal. After a period of time, marijuana would be more beneficial. …show more content…

First, there would be fewer people charged with marijuana-related offenses, thus creating more room in the already overcrowded jails and prisons for more violent offenders. Less people in jails means less money spent on people in jail, so that money can be saved. Not charging people with marijuana-related offenses prevents a lot of people from having that mark on their record, and keeps job opportunities open for people who choose to medicate with marijuana. (Gatewood) There is also the worry that there will be an increase in crime if marijuana were to be legalized. Many states that have legalized marijuana report less violence since the plant has been

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