
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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“In 2006, a young man in Colorado called Mason Tvert issued a challenge to the then-mayor of Denver and eventual governor, John Hickenlooper. You bring a crate of booze. I’ll bring a pack of joints. For every hit of booze you take, I’ll take a hit of cannabis. We’ll see who dies first. Mason went on to lead the campaign to legalize cannabis in his state. His fellow citizens voted to do it — by 55 percent. After a year and a half of seeing this system in practice, support for legalization has risen to 69 percent” (Hari, 2016).
Despite people's stereotype of marijuana without evidence, marijuana legalization must be done.
Opponents of legalized marijuana claim that marijuana is the gateway to other drugs.
In other words, when people start smoking marijuana, they will find more intoxicating drugs, and soon they will find cocaine, heroin, and so on. Many experts claim that marijuana is a first step to using other drugs. In fact, most users of crystal meth are known to have started drug use, with marijuana. Experts claim marijuana is a stepping stone of drug, but actually there is no scientific evidence. Alcohol is one of the most addictive drugs. If it is true that Addictive drugs make you crave stronger drugs. Every person who drinks should be addicted to heroin or cocaine. According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences(1999), “There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other

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