
Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana

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What is Marijuana? Some may argue it is a medicinal plant and others may argue it is a harmful drug. The U.S government currently lists marijuana as a schedule 1 controlled substance. This would be equally ranked as heroin, LSD, and ecstasy to name a few. Marijuana would be ranked higher than the three highest ranking deadliest drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and cocaine. As a schedule 1 drug, marijuana is considered to be more dangerous than prescription opioids (painkillers), which currently holds 1st place for the most overdoses. A wide variety of categories like HIV/ AIDs, cancer, glaucoma, and trauma patients report improved comfort and pain relief without the harmful side effects of death. Medical marijuana is a safe and effective alternative to prescription drugs …show more content…

Medical Marijuana has been proven to not induce any type of overdose, it has been slowly introduced into the pharmaceutical world in a few new promising drugs that utilize specific compounds of the marijuana plant, and has been proven to reach a wide variety of patients. I will be arguing why medical marijuana should be utilized and further researched to max out the potential curing powers of this plant. When at a Christian college, one may bring up and ponder what the bible has to say about these ethical dilemmas like this one. The bible states, “He causes the grass to grow for cattle and herb for the service of man” NIV, Psalm 104:14. Several people refer to marijuana as a herb, a plant. I believe even more people would argue that this herb can service men and women for more good than bad. Today, there is a lot of unfortunate events that revolve around drugs.

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