
Persuasive Essay On Stop And Frisk

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Imagine you're just walking down the street and you see two people making a suspicious trade. At the same time, a cop walks by and does nothing. Would you rather have him be able to stop the men for questioning and a possible search or just let drug dealers roam the streets freely? Stop and frisk is a method of stopping suspicious people on the street and questioning and/or searching them. Stop and frisk tactics need to be performed in other major cities because it has removed guns, prevented murder, and made New York City one of the safest cities in the U.S. Although some other major cities have taken up this tactic, many more cities could benefit from it that haven’t used it.

First of all, a tactic used by police departments in several American cities called Stop and Frisk allows officers to stop, question, pat down, and search the belongings of anyone deemed suspicious. In addition, this tactic has removed illegal drugs and guns off the streets. “Advocates of the practice contend that it helps police target potential criminals, thereby preventing crimes before they are committed, and credit the practice for a reduction in crime rates” (Stop and Frisk 1). Many people credit stop and frisk with reducing New York City’s crime rate from its highs in the 60s-90’s. “New York City’s crime rate has dropped 80% since the early 1990’s” (Stop and Frisk 5). For example, history has shown that most of these crimes and murders are committed by minority groups on minority groups.

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