
Persuasive Essay On Veganism

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1 gorilla, millions outraged. 20,000 cows a day, no one seems to care. Growing up, I was always told to ‘treat others the way you would like to be treated’. That being very true, but treating other does not only mean to treat other human beings the way you want to be treated, but treating animals with care as well. Research shows that over 20,000 cows, around 1 million pigs, and 20,160,000 chickens are killed every day for food, and over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by unnecessary human consumption. What if your pets were slaughtered the same way farm animals were? Being a vegan is not only a diet, but a lifestyle and a humane act toward animals. As studies shows, veganism displays a positive influence in the world we live in today. Not only for ourselves, but for the planet. Veganism helps animals, it helps your health, and it helps the environment. Ultimately, it results into great benefit for us and everyone else around us. To begin, veganism helps the animals. Everyone loves animals. People who are not vegan love animals. No one wants to see an animal being abused or mistreated. That feeling you get as you watch the poor cows get treated like it was nothing is called compassion, a trait that all humans are born with. So why go again your morals? Humans take away life. Other animals do not ‘give up their life’ as some people believe. They have not given consent to be slaughtered. In over 95% of cases they are killed prematurely. Take

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