
Persuasive Essay On Wild Animals

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What would our world be like if animals were not walking the streets, begging for food, attacking people and other pets, starving to death, and even causing jail time for humans? The amount of animals we have on our planet is massive. Since 2011, the number of dogs and cats entering shelters annually has declined from approximately 7.2 million. It is about a twenty to one ratio of pets to humans, and that’s not including the wild animals we have illegally being kept here in people’s backyards. From the number of animals on the streets and in shelters, hoarding cases and abuse, animal cruelty, laws on animals, dog fights, neglect, to people doing jail time due to their pets, there’s an abundant amount of issues our country has with the furry creatures and nothing being done about it. This issue is a hot topic in our own town hall meetings and neighborhood meetings with citizens. Placing a pet limit on every household in the United States should be a must in today’s society, due to people not being able to juggle their pets, home life, work life, money issues, and family life. The amount of animals on the streets and in shelters is abundant. If there is not a pet limit per house, the percentage of animals on the street will go up due to owners neglecting them since they will not be able to take care of them. According to Kristina Pepelko in the article “Alarming Facts About Pet Homelessness,” she states, “There are about 70 million stray animals living in the U.S.”.

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