
Persuasive Essay Pro Minimum Wage

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Those in favor of the minimum wage have argued, contrary to established economic theory, that the minimum wage can actually increase employment. An increase in income results in additional "money in the pockets" of workers which encourages greater spending in the economy. This in turn causes greater demand for goods and services, an increase in production, and the creation of new jobs. Additionally, a higher minimum wage is thought reduce government welfare spending. If workers earned more money, their dependence on and eligibility for government benefits would decrease. A recurring theme among pro minimum wage arguments is the issue of stagnant wages. Improvements in economic growth and productivity have exceeded increases in the minimum …show more content…

It is a popular opinion that increasing the minimum wage would reduce income inequality by the process that an increase would have a ripple effect, raising the incomes of people who make slightly above the minimum wage, and then slightly above that and so on and so on, thus changing the distribution of wealth within society. As a result, a minimum wage increase would help reduce gender and race inequality, since a greater representation of women and minorities work in the low-income labor force. Minimum wage advocates maintain that the current minimum wage is not high enough to enable people to afford housing and everyday essentials. They believe raising the minimum wage would combat poverty and lead to a healthier population. Improving the level of poverty in the United States would increase school attendance, and decrease crime and high school dropout rates. Finally, defenders of the minimum wage argue that the minimum wage helps to reduce the federal deficit. Raising the minimum wage would reduce the federal budget deficit by increasing tax revenue and lowering government spending on public aid programs. Payroll and income tax revenues would rise as a result of an increase in the minimum wage, and the federal deficit

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