
Persuasive Speech About Power In College

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Ever since I remember myself I have been the child who would get up on a chair in a room full of guests, and sing a song, or make a congratulatory speech. Throughout the years in primary and secondary school, I have always been on the first row. I was that student with perfect grades whose work everyone hoped to cheat off. Since early childhood, relatives would point at me telling their kids, “Why are not you more like her?” My pedestal has been raised higher than I have ever comfortable being. The pressure to perform is very high. When you have a reputation for being smart, many people assume that you can solve any problems that comes up and tackles every challenging obstacle in life. And my parents think so too.
I was fourteen at that time. Fourteen years is not enough for a girl to think maturely. The entrance exam to high school was waiting for us, 9th graders, at the finish line. That meant everyone had to study extra hard in order to be accepted into good schools in my city. I thought that I would just try my best so that I would be accepted to a school which was suitable for me, but my parents did not think so. They forced me to learn a lot. I studied 8 straight hours at school, and then I had to go to my teachers’ houses to do bonus exercises. And then when I did come home, I had to finish my homework until 12 or 1 o’clock on the day after. Not only weekday but also weekend, though I didn’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. I was drowning, days in and days out. I

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