
Persuasive Speech On Trafficking

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We keep our eyes blind and our hearts locked when it comes to the murky side of life. We tend to want to live positive upbeat lives, we tell ourselves positive thinking makes for a positive life. We would much rather forget that the world is really a wretched abyss which Satan has made his playground.
We tend to go through life never really thinking anything bad will happen to us. Yet every single day people are sold into slavery. People like me and you are taken from their lives, forced into the sex trade, all their human rights stripped away in an instant. The question is how you can protect yourself and your family from being forced into the world where you are no longer human, but slave... What makes the perfect trafficking victim? Let’s …show more content…

Pregnant Mothers
Imagine yourself into a world where you are a young female, with no money in a poverty stricken third world country, pregnant, no money, no man and no way to take care of your baby. You have heard people sell their babies for money and you believe this will give your baby the chance at a better life that you cannot give it. However, above all you need to survive, so you sell your child.
Mothers are very often tricked into selling their unborn, promised great funds and a better life for themselves and their child. The reality is much more sinister. These babies are sold into slavery and sexual abuse and mothers are scarcely compensated if at all. Often the mothers end up trapped slaves as …show more content…

Natural Disaster victims
Natural disasters create a playground for evil traffickers. In the book A Walk Across the Sun by Corban Addison two young girls from an affluent Indian family are forced into slavery by a family friend after the tsunami in 2004. This is sadly how many victims are taken. Young girls left without shelter are forced into brothels and made to work as sex slaves to survive after losing their family and their homes.

10. You
We always think it will happen to someone else. It only happens on TV. Your passport could be stolen in a foreign country and you could be taken to work in a brothel by force because you were seen as a weak victim by a menacing trafficker. You could be tricked into the romance of your life and broken down, your spirit broken and forced into prostitution to survive. You could go for a promising job interview and never return.
There are more slaves in this world than ever before and it is a statistical nightmare to determine how many people are trafficked yearly. Your child could be next. You could be next. Open your eyes to the world around you. Learn to look past the pretentious smiles of lurking evil villains passing you by awaiting their next victim: It could be

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