
Pew Research Article Summary

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Americans receive many messages about support for gay rights ranging from clergy to gay men; however, some are “ambivalent,” or undecided on the issue because of the numerous messages that they are given (Garner 2013: 243). Andrew Garner wanted to test if contact with gays and lesbians would elevate or decline levels of ambivalence among American’s opinions about gay rights (241). While this research question could be discovered in the abstract, the author never states the research question clearly. Garner does provide immense detail about previous studies; however, he lacks clear justification for the study, and the support he provided had to be collectively assumed rather than explained. Assumingly, he argues that by understanding how gay …show more content…

To test this hypothesis, he uses Pew Research Center for the People and the Press’s 2004 Typology Survey from December 2004 and the late March callback survey, inclusive of 1,090 participants. The author provides a haughty analysis of the survey and how the data is measured. “The callback interviews asked respondents if they have a “friend, colleague, or family member” who is gay, while the main survey asked two separate questions concerning how strongly respondents support same-sex marriage and acceptance of homosexuals ‘as a way of life.’ Contact is measured as a dichotomous or dummy variable indicating whether or not the respondent knew someone who is gay,” (249). The survey also asks questions about race, party identification, and religious affiliation (249-250). Garner then describes how the variables are coded, are applied to the Harvey Multiplicative Heteroskedastic Regression model, and the calculations required to discuss the variables

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