
Peyton's Perceptions In An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

Decent Essays

In “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, the speed of time and Peyton’s perceptions change throughout the story, depending on Peyton’s experiences, which make the reader question reality. While Peyton is on the bridge about to be hung, time begins to slow down in his mind. As the noose is around his neck; “He looked a moment at his "unsteadfast footing," then let his gaze wander to the swirling water of the stream racing madly beneath his feet. A piece of dancing driftwood caught his attention and his eyes followed it down the current. How slowly it appeared to move! What a sluggish stream!”(Bierce 1503). Peyton is in an altered reality where time is slowing down although the stream and reality is racing. Another instance of unrealistic slowing …show more content…

After the rope breaks and Peyton falls into the creek. The narrator says, “He was not conscious of an effort, but a sharp pain in his wrist apprised him that he was trying to free his hands. He gave the struggle his attention, as an idler might observe the feat of a juggler, without interest in the outcome. What splendid effort!--what magnificent, what superhuman strength! Ah, that was a fine endeavor! Bravo! The cord fell away;” (Bierce 1505). Peyton is not in control of his actions, which makes the reader question if he is actually alive. In another instance his perceptions are heighten. The narrator states, “He felt the ripples upon his face and heard their separate sound as they struck. He looked at the forest on the bank of the stream, saw the individual trees, the leaves and the veining of each leaf -saw the very insects upon them:”(Bierce 1505). He is hyper focused on the details of minor things as if he were detached and seeing things for the first time. As Peyton approaches death, he disconnects from the real world. His perception of things around him and the essence of time have been altered in an unrealistic

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