
Pharmaceutical Companies Invest A Good Portion Of Their

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Pharmaceutical companies invest a good portion of their money on politics and medical companies that make decisions when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry and its products. One of the top pharmaceutical companies that does this is the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufactures of America (PhRMA). According to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2016 PhRMA spent $19,730,000 on lobbying. This is a massive amount of money that is spent in the Pharmaceuticals/Health Products industry, which spends the most money when it comes to lobbying. In the censored news story #9, “Big Pharma Political Lobbying Not Limited to Presidential Campaigns”, the student researcher, Harrison Hartman, talks about how pharmaceutical companies lobbying gets …show more content…

Robert Pear, the author, also uses a lot of direct quotes from his interview with Mr. Ubl and then starts to paraphrase a little bit more of what Mr. Ubl meant. By doing this, we can tell that the author really wants the reader to understand where Mr. Ubl is coming from and that he is trying to keep an open mind. The author understands that a good portion of the money is going towards lobbying and persuading politicians, however most of the article focuses on what else PhRMA spends on. Pear also portrays the CEO of PhRMA Mr. Ubl to be “more conversant with the intricacies of health policy, and more adept at the politics, than some of his predecessors” (Pear). By making this statement, Robert Pear is trying to portray the CEO as more credible and trustworthy than past CEO’s of the PhRMA company. This shows some credibility to the readers and try to get them to feel a little bit safer when it comes to believing what Mr. Ubl wants to implement or what he supports. The way that the whole article was written was directed to the general public to have them understand where all the money that PhRMA was spending was going towards. Compared to The New York Times, the Truthout website gives more detail about how pharmaceutical companies engage in political lobbying. The website talks

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