
Philippines Earthquake Dbq

Decent Essays

When Does Help Come? “Sometimes, you think a storm is coming to rain on your parade, it’s actually there to water your garden.” -Rob Hill Sr. On October 15, 2013 a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Phillippines. There were 2,211 aftershocks with a total of US$23 million damaged. On October 20, a council reported 185 dead and 583 injured. Finally, 703,244 affected families with 3,542,281 affected individuals. The Philippians responded by getting donations from the Red Cross, having groups come help or clean up, and disliking what the government is doing aftermath. The Philippians responded by getting donations from the Red Cross because “The Philippine Red Cross has provided at least 10,000 families with essential household items” (Doc …show more content…

People helped and made tents and makeshifts in open grounds because it’s safer (Doc B). And if I were them, I would be the most thankful I would ever be in my whole life because they are basically saving my life. I would give them something in return, but I couldn’t because I was so poor. Also, some engineers from the Department of Education came and did an inspection and replied with that it’s not safe (Doc B). They are probably going to rebuild soon, hopefully. My kids would have no education and that’s really upsetting. The Philippines responded by disliking the way the government is controlling aftermath. Red cross was told to leave because many residents had not received relief goods (Doc C). Additionally, the national police was ordered to check reports about citizens in Bohol “hoarding relief goods (Doc C) . After all of that, I would be very annoyed on the government's decisions. Having the “superheroes” leave is going to make us all die, or begin to turn sick. Then, we will become an undeveloped country of poor people with kids that are not educated. The Philippians responded by getting donations from the Red Cross, having groups come help or clean up, and disliking what the government is doing aftermath. There are tough times in our lives, but when you have hope, life will be easier. “Hard times are like a washing machine, they twist, turning and knocking us down, but in the end, we come out cleaner,

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