
Phobia Of Glass: A Short Story

Satisfactory Essays

It happend a few years ago that gave me a great phobia of glass. I’ll fill you in. One fine Friday my family,(my dad wasn’t there though, that will be important later) so me and my brother goofed around for another hour. First we hid our carrot sticks from dinner to give to the rabbits in the yard. We actually threw the carrots at the rabbits to see if they were smart enough not to run and get free food. Next, we made fake barf to prank my mom. (she flipped). Then the exiting part happens. (for the reader, not me) my brother takes me to the barn, in front of it, there are garage doors. He takes off his sandles and jumps onto one. Then he tells me to get on. I thought the garage door windows were sturdy, boy I screwed up. SMASH! There goes

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