
Phoenix In Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

Decent Essays

The phoenix was a symbol of fire and power in the past, and among the many warnings it brought forth about plague or other illnesses that may strike the people who come across it. More importantly it was a symbol of rebirth and hope, and in some anglo-saxon cultures it was a sign of longevity to see the ashes of a ‘fire-bird’ and a sign of peace to see one reborn. Yet, it would be seen as doubly interesting to look, not only into the meaning of the word and symbol Phoenix, but into the name as well. Why is it that Eudora Welty made a character, an old and frail black woman with that name? “[An] arguement is that this text figures the writing process, that much more than a character sketch, “A Worn Path” is a complex analogy of fabulation--of invention… Phoenix’s traits--her blackness, femaleness, age, and apparent poverty challenge the reader…” Phoenix means many things in this case, it is the necessary and repetitive trips to the doctor for medicine, the lingering of past ideals, and it is the relentless attitude that made Phoenix continue on to her goal even when deterred. …show more content…

The man treated her as a frail, incapable, and uneducated being. She was “the juxtaposition of the other characters' material wealth and self-concern with Phoenix's poverty and selflessness, a contrast intensified by their interactions with, and misunderstanding of, her.” (Beatha) The man had no more respect for her than he thought he should have, and that, as it was for a long time before, was little no none at all. This lingering hatred is like the very name that Phoenix had, it was repeating, unending, or so it seemed at that

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