
Photographer Carey Lynne Fruth's Body-Positive American Beauty

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When you think of American Beauty, the image of a naked girl laying on a bed of rose petals is the first one that comes to mind. The shot is from the moment when Kevin Spacey's character has a sexy dream about his daughter's best friend. A thin, white, blonde-headed teenage girl turns into the object of a middle-aged man carnal desire.

A different kind of American Beauty

Photographer Carey Lynne Fruth’s body-positive American Beauty photo series is out to show that beauty is far more diverse. The results are stunning.

In an interview with Clapway she explains why the body-positive movement is important. Fruth believes that the concept is about “radical body love” - loving your body even when everyone else tells you that you shouldn't. …show more content…

It's no little feat, for sure.

“Too often images of woman of size are shown as disgusting. Images of very thin woman are shown as being sick. Images of woman of color are shown in a stereotypical light. And images of older woman are far and few in between,” Fruth explained.

This is what inspired her to take 14 women of different shapes, sizes and colours, expanding, reinventing the meaning of American Beauty.

“Our world is made up of so many different people. Beautiful people. People that are worthy of representation. Worthy of respect. Worthy of love and self-love. No one should be made to feel that their body is somehow wrong, undesirable. This feeling holds people back. You can't live up to your full potential if you are always feeling that, because you don't look like what the media tells you, you can't be successful. You can't find love. You can't love yourself,” Fruth told Clapway.

Shameless Photography

Fruth believes that many accomplishments have been made toward moving forward with body inclusiveness. Photo studios like the one she works with, Shameless Photography, are popping up everywhere - welcoming people of all different bodies in front of their

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