
Physical Activity And Physical Activities In Schools?

Decent Essays

Should physical activity be more involved in schools? Many people believe that it will help children, but there are still people who think it will just take time away from learning. Physical activity will help children academically and improve their overall health. Physical activity in school used to be a big part of school, but as time marched on physical activity became less and less important to school boards even some schools went as far as removing physical education completely. Today it is required that schools have physical education, but as childhood obesity rates have shown, that is not enough. Childhood obesity has skyrocketed lately and it has shown to have an effect on children academically as well as their health. With children spending a huge portion of their childhood in school, school has a great opportunity to help children stay healthy as well as get an education. “A research project called PAAC with 24 elementary schools showed that adding sessions of physical activity to a school curriculum could have long term benefits both academic and health.(Source 1)” “One school took a survey of children playing active video games and traditional recess, it showed that the children who played the active video games showed an improvement in math scores.(Source 1)” “Among 5,316 students in grades K through fifth grade, the frequency and duration of P.E. class were positively associated with standardized test performance among girls but not boys.(Source 1)” “When

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