
Physical Therapy Case Study

Decent Essays

Introduction According to the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE), a residency is a “post-professional program meant to train physical therapists in a specialty area” (American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education, 2017b). The ABPTRFE currently recognizes nine specialty areas within the field of physical therapy, and there have been residency programs created in each of the nine recognized specialty areas (American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, 2017). Residencies are often completed directly post-graduation, after a physical therapist is licensed. Once a residency program is completed, therapists can sit for a particular specialty certification …show more content…

Although there are nine specialty areas, this review will only focus on the most popular specialty area with the greatest amount of residency and fellowship programs, the Orthopedic specialty (American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, 2017). The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the effectiveness of orthopedic residency and fellowship programs within physical therapy and the impact they have on therapists’ ability to treat patients in a more efficient and skilled manner. The hypothesis of this literature review is that the attendance of an orthopedic residency and fellowship program will improve a therapist’s quality of care, increase their diagnostic abilities and escalate their professional leadership potential post-completion of the program.
History of Residency and Fellowship Programs Medical doctors were the first professionals to create post-doctoral training within their field. From the beginning, the profession felt that novice clinicians needed to continue developing their clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, clinical skill and overall knowledge while under the supervision of an experienced clinical expert (Furze et al., 2016). The first residency program in the medical field was the American College of Graduate Medical Education and it was formalized in the 1890’s (Furze et al., 2016). The first post-doctoral fellowship program in the medical field was formalized at the Rockefeller University in

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