
Pikety's Capital In The Twenty-First Century

Decent Essays

In “Capital in the Twenty- First Century” (2014), Piketty investigates the question of; what do we really know about how wealth and income have evolved? How can prejudices and stereotypes define equality? How is it possible to have debates without actual data? Piketty stresses the importance that inequality is brought to everyone’s attention as people see different aspect of it and thus democracy should not be left in the hands of the expert only. Conflict can however emerge when people have different views on inequality, for example some might view it as naturally decreasing or that it will automatically result in equality over time. This is where the importance of accurate information comes in.
In the early nineteenth century, classical political economy was …show more content…

Ricardo also makes this error of lacking genuine statistics. His “scarcity principle” states that prices could indeed result in very high prices for a long time but would eventually destabilize the economy which would create equilibrium. The problem here is that his influence caused beliefs that the economy would automatically resolve itself which is misleading as the economy is not always completely self-regulating. Marx, however noticed the growing misery amongst proletariat despite this economic growth and tried to resolve the question of capitalist collapse and its embedded misery. The “principle of infine accumulation” is Marx attempt to explain the tendency for capital to concentrate in the hands of a few only and with no limit. He argued that capitalism would sooner or later result in that rate of return would diminish or that the working class would revolt to this exploitation. Marx however also lacked statistical data and bases most of his work on internal logic. Where was this major revolution? What would happen after the collapse, what would an alternative system look like? He also

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