
Pine Needle Drive Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

We chose 8622 Pine Needle Drive as our best valued home because it either beat the market or every other home across the board when looking at the financial metrics we used to evaluate and compare the different properties. It’s asking price of $285,869 is below the estimated market price of $285,902. The property’s 1-yr Market Value Forecast is approximately $314,063 and would be a 9.8% increase in value over the course of just one year. The 1-yr Zip-Code Average Home Value Forecast for 38139 is 6.2%, so this home is actually forecasted to beat an already impressive market projection by 3.2%. In addition, 8622 Pine Needle Drive is valued approximately 23.1% less than the median 38139 home and 20% less per square foot. From the standpoint of

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