
Pisthetaerus: The Meaning Of Life

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Life is meaningless. Or at least an nihilistic absurdist would say so. When faced with ridiculous circumstances, one can only be aware of it and accept it in order to gain power from it. By acknowledging the restraints of our circumstances, we can overcome them. The inherent decline towards entropy traps us in a cycle of dystopian outcomes, but, in a way, that does not matter. What does matter is our outlook towards this. As mere mortals, many things are out of our control; our impact is so insignificant that it does not matter what we do, but how we interpret our situations. Ironically, our actions do not matter but our thoughts do Despite not being able to change the situation, Pisthetaerus creates his own personal utopia within our easily …show more content…

Despite their cyclical fate of bureaucracies, these two men did not fail. Peisthetaerus created a whimsical town serving as an outlet for escapism. There’s nothing more than that. By not doling out any meaning to Coockoo land in the sky, it gives it meaning. This land means nothing, and therefore can mean everything to Peisthetaerus. This paradoxical state seems contradictory, but if it were a true utopian for everyone, then Peisthetaerus would not have ended up on top. In order for the few to win, some must lose: the city as a whole took a loss, while Peisthetaerus won. In a society where where status is the largest factor in quality of life, Peisthetaerus and his pal, Euelpides succeed in rising up in the ranks both literally and metaphorically in “The Birds”. By subjugating themselves as the leaders, they forcefully made themselves the winners. The end justifies the means. It doesn’t matter how they got there, but that they did in fact get there in conclusion. Similarly to Sisyphus, these men defied the Gods but ended up on top: a feat that few mortals can

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