
Pivotal Account Of Emmett Till's Murder Story

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Emmett Tills murder story was a Pivotal moment because the way he was killed and the reason behind it. Also how everyone acted towards his death and how it was leaked out to the media. It was Pivotal because how everyone tried to change segregation in the south because the blacks were tired of others in their race being beaten or killed for small reasons. Out of all the Pivotal moments in history, Emmett tills Death was the most Pivotal moment to me.
The way Emmett Till was killed is significant factor that contributed to the impact of his death. Emmett Till was killed because he told Roy Bryant’s wife “bye baby” and while they were beating him he mentioned he had a white girlfriend back out in Chicago. Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam didn’t think it was right for black people to associate with white people, overall have an interracial relationship. They beat Emmett till to death and then just left him tied up to a cotton gin fan with barbed wire and threw him in the river. …show more content…

The comments he made towards the white women (Roy Bryant’s wife) and the comment he said when they were beating him about his interracial relationship was the main reasons of his death. White people lynched the black people because of their hatred against the blacks. The black people would be killed or lynched for the smallest of reasons like; gamboling, stealing, killing animals ect.
After his death, his body was sent back to Chicago and his mother had an Open casket funeral. This open casket funeral was a significant factor that contributed to the impact of his murder. Because there were photos that were leaked it showed all black people what can happen to them if they do anything stupid even for the smallest reasons they can be killed. His death was a main reason for why people wanted to stop segregation in the

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