
Plagues In The 18th Century

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The medieval times had no education or knowledge of ways to prevent such a disease from overtaking them. Doctors of the time were completely unable to prevent or cure it. They were, in a ways, stuck with this dreadful killer and their only choices were to wait it all off. Nowadays, doctors and researchers have studied so much into the plagues capabilities, they know of treatments that can either sustain, if not, cure Yersinia pestis from overtaking another era. At home treatments were found to be somewhat reliable to the plague and one includes using vinegar and rose water to drench over an infected body to help cleanse of the bacterias toxins. Cures such as cooked onions, arsenic, sitting in sewers, and fumigating homes with herbs were tried. Apparently the black swellings were also thought …show more content…

So many people believed that their trust in God would heal them from the devastation. The distrust in God and the christian church grew. People felt that since religion wasn’t able to do anything to stop the spread of the disease that caused so much suffering, there was no point wasting time to believe in it. During the plague, many priests had died and since the disbelief, no man wanted to be apart of it any longer and soon church services ceased to exist in many areas. Jews were put to blame and were targeted as scapegoats to the plague. They were accused of inflicting the plague on their enemies, people that did not like them, by poisoning the water systems. The prejudice towards them was not new and took place even before the Black Death. It only intensified after and caused many Jews to run away to places like Poland and Russia. In these areas they kept a large population in numbers up until the twentieth century. (“Plague and Progress in Europe in the 1300s” 2011) Although proved by scientists and historians, the Black Death took toll on all, especially those with immune systems already

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