
Policing Is Important For The Society Essay

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Policing is very important to the society that we live in today. Policing has to have discretion, and things that influence police discretion, there is a hiring process that is used, the organization of police departments, police roles and what they do in our society. The police departments could face a shortage, because of issues in the recruitment. There also is an important case that effect the law enforcrement, which is Tenesee veruss Garner. Policing is never easy, and should never be taken lightly, there are factors that come into effect every day that they put on their shield.
What is Police discretion? Police discretion is the avaiblity of a choice of options or actions one can take in a situation. (Dempsey, J. S., & Forst, L. Pg. 143). Our criminal justice system is based on a lot of discretion, from the streets, to the court rooms, to the parole offices. Each part of our justice system has some kind of discretion. The biggest part of disrection in our the Criminal justice system, is the police officers that patrol the streets every day, either at night or day. The police officers have to make a split second decision, and don’t have time to think about consquences or consult with one another. “The police officer is generally the first decidsion maker in the U.S. Criminal justice system and often the most important” (Dempsey, J. S., & Forst, L. Page 143). According to Herbert Jacon, that wrote the four major factor influence police offers in detemining the

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