
Policing Practice And Operations Paper

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Policing Practice and Operations Paper
Michelle Murphy
August 18, 2015
David Sicilian

Policing and the way they operate are truly similar as if they are hand in hand with one another. In order for operations to run smoothly and the department to be functioning as one there has to be proper training and care from the supervisors, administrators and from everyone who works together to understand that they’re a team. Everyone in the police department has to work together instead of against one another just to make sure everyone is doing their jobs by the books with no room for errors. Communicating has really improved throughout the years especially for the police. They have computers in their cars to run license …show more content…

With the police being in the media a lot for issues there have been crackdowns on the simplest procedures because in order for things to run smoothly in the department and on the job, every detail needs to be followed all the way down to simple arrests and stops. A perfect example of something that had to be corrected is the stop-and-frisk method. The stop-and-frisk method is when a police officer stops a person who is either walking or driving and is showing any type of reason to be stopped before a crime could be committed ("Stop and frisk | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia). The reason could be for swerving was if the driver was intoxicated, having an open liquor bottle while walking or any other legal suspicions. If the officer has any suspicion by law the person can be stopped and searched. However the reason why the stop-and-frisk method has been corrected and reviewed is because race was the issue as to why the person was stopped. The reason could be legal however if it was a Caucasian cop stopping an African American person then it would come off from the person as though he/she was targeted because of their skin color even though it is not true ("Stop and Frisk Practices | New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) - American Civil Liberties Union of New York State," n.d.). With race being the issue, stop-and-frisk was looked at among other policies and procedures and they were all

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