
Policy Plan For Eradicate Yellow Fever Essay

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Policy Development to Eradicate Yellow Fever in Angola On July 4th , 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) (2016) reported the Republic of Angola experienced 3,552 suspected cases (875 laboratory confirmed and 355 deaths) of Yellow Fever (YF) in all 18 of its provinces. On the global health risk front, new cases of YF in people travelling from Angola were reported in China (11 cases), Democratic Republic of Congo (59 cases), Kenya (2 cases), Mauritania (1 case), and Namibia (1 case), despite International Health Regulations (IHR). WHO classified the outbreak as grade two emergencies and provided extensive support for disease surveillance, mass vaccination campaigns, social mobilization, and vaccination of travelers to control the outbreaks and prevent the global spread of the disease. This policy proposal will examine the vulnerable population, the issues of concern, evaluate existing policies, risk assessment for change, stakeholders involved, recommendations for change, and cost analysis or benefits for the proposed action plan.
Population and Geographic Area
Angola is located in Southern Africa, bordered by Namibia in the South, Democratic Republic of Congo to the North, Zamibia to the East, and the Atlantic Ocean to the West. Angola’s narrow coastal plain rises abruptly to high internal plateau, with rainforests in the north and dry savanna desert in the south (Ministry of Health (MoH),2016). Luanda, the capital lies on the Atlantic coast along the northwest of the

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