
Political Movements In The Stonewall Riots, And The Rights Movement

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Summary Political movements have changed and developed over time. Many have survived the decades, and are just as alive now as they were fifty years ago. The rights of women and people of color sparked movements dating back to the 1960s and earlier, and both are back in the spotlight today. Environmental activism became an important issue in the 1970s, and is still a concern today, although to a lesser extent. Although the gay rights discussion at the national level began following the Stonewall Riots in 1969, and Pride Parades began popping up nationwide shortly thereafter, LGBT individuals had no legal rights or protections before the increased activism of this decade (Dreier, 2015). Peace movements are also found in many different time periods, reflecting an ever-prevalent anti-war sentiment that becomes visible whenever our country engages in foreign conflict. Due to the extended nature of political movements, political songs tend to have relevance extending far beyond their release date. While Sam Cooke’s anti-segregation rhetoric is outdated, the references to institutional racism are not, and the hope that changes will be made to bring an end to racial disparity is perennial. A change may have come, but much more change is still needed. Leslie Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me” could just as easily be an anthem for women today as it was in 1963. The issues of police brutality and the inner-city cycle of poverty are just as crucial today as they were when “The Message” and

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