
Polonius Madness In Hamlet

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Madness in William Shakespeare’s
“Through this be madness, yet there is method in’t.”(2.2.205-206). In William Shakespeare’s tragic play, Hamlet, this quote from Polonius shows that there is a reason for every action a person does. Polonius – as well as other minor characters – serve as self-absorbed individuals that contribute to the idea of Hamlets madness; so it is ironic that Shakespeare gives one of the most revealing lines to him, rather than the leading character, Hamlet. In fact, through the lenses of psychoanalysis, Shakespeare presents the idea of madness in Hamlet but portrays him as sympathetic character due to the death of his father and the other dramatic complications Hamlet goes through, making it hard to visualize Hamlets …show more content…

He feels as if he is all alone in the mourning of his father, and he has no one to turn to. Most of the characters are against him, they do not come out and directly state that, but all of their actions make it very clear. Polonius told his daughter Ophelia, the love of Hamlet’s life, to stay away from him “Ay, springes to catch woodcocks. I do know, When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows.”(1.3.115-118). The king also sets people up to spy on Hamlet as if he is not a human but a wild animal. There is no wonder this young lonely person is conceived as insane, but this is all only coming from the people’s actions around …show more content…

In the book called The Sanity of Hamlet, written by Tenney L. Davis, he states that Hamlet uses too much logic in his thought process. Davis also said that Hamlet took things too seriously. If this is the case, Hamlet is not mad, he is simply logical. Sometimes having too much logic can be a bad thing though, it can cause people to have a very hard time making decisions as we see Hamlet has, being indecisive is one of Hamlets biggest tragic flaw. There is no way to truly tell if Hamlet was mad in this play or if he was a desperate, lonely person. Shakespeare probably intended the reader to ponder these two very deep sides of Hamlet knowing that there was no right answer. But if you compare the life of Hamlet with an average person’s life today, he would be considered someone that you feel sorry for because of the tragic life he has lived. Fate controls people’s lives, and there is nothing you can do to change your fate this is another reason Hamlet is

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