
Ponyboy In The Outsiders

Satisfactory Essays

Ponyboy, In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, was born in a lower class society, but had dreams of being better. He is a very courageous, smart, and good-hearted person, but he did not always make very good decisions. A lot of the bad events that happened during the story that could have been avoided if Ponyboy thought things through. Ponyboy is a very imprudent person. This means that he doesn’t think things through before he does them, and about what could happen after he does something. Ponyboy himself said that he “doesn’t use his head” (Hinton, 3) when he was about to get jumped by the Socs. The time in the book when he was most imprudent was when he ran away after Darry slapped him. He should have just stayed and Darry would’ve apologized. Because he decided to run away, he got seen by the Socs whose girlfriends hung out with Ponyboy, Johnny, and Two-Bit (another example of when he didn’t think, when he hung out with the Socs not thinking about what the girls’ boyfriends would do about it). This led to the whole story about Johnny killing the Soc and them having to run away. Therefore, if Ponyboy thought more about what he was doing …show more content…

Whenever there is a situation when he shouldn’t do something for his own good, he still does it to help out, no matter how dangerous. One important example of this is when he ran into the church to save the little kids, His own life was on the line to help those kids stuck in the church, but since he felt he needed to help out, he still ran in. When he was in the ambulance after he escaped from the church, the man Jerry who he saw on his way into the church thought Ponyboy and his friends were “the bravest [kids] I’ve seen in a long time.” Another example of his courageous virtues are when he went to the rumble even when he thought he was sick, just to help his friends win. Without his courageousness, the rumble might have had different results, and all the little kids in the church would’ve

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