
Population Control In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury in the year 1953.
This book was composed with the main idea of population control though the means of destroying written content. They felt by burning all the books it would keep people from invoking emotions. Thus, eliminating war and crime. This concept has been used though out history. The control though placing limitations on shared knowledge. In this paper I will discuss the psychology, sociology, Ideology, socioeconomic, utilitarianism and my own personal view points on the subject.
Terms I learned while researching my paper are “Demodystopias” they are a subgenre of dystopias where the imagined futures derive from demographic change, taken to an extreme level: the population explosion, depopulation, mass …show more content…

Because the government controls the past in the present, it controls the future by re-writing or limiting its own past and passing that history down as the truth to future generations born into the world. This concept keeps a population suppressed and ignorant to their own past. In the book “Fahrenheit 451”, the method of suppression used was the burning of books by firefighters.
The concepts and analyses that provide a comprehensive look at the mechanisms and power in institutions which practice socio-political domination and oppression. Thus, it raises the question of the proper the political response to the current trends of social irrationality and …show more content…

The novel’s protagonist chooses to make a radical break with society after he comes to recognize his own unhappiness. In neo-classical economic terms, new information changes views, which in turn changes behavior. So this tells us that there is a direct correlation between one’s own emotional stability and the availability of free flowing information.
There is an instinctual human need to be curious and seek out answers to unseen questions. It is very natural for us to ask that a one word question “why??” John Stuart Mill’s reflection on happiness in his essay On Utilitarianism offers a normative economic approach to understanding of the search for happiness and the constraints in the search for one’s own need to be an induvial and seeking knowledge.
Now that we have touched on all the subjects that affect a population in regards to suppression and keeping that population ignorant to its own past and/or limiting the flow of information. The novel is set in a futuristic world that is simultaneously militaristic, prosperous and highly controlled. As mentioned before, there is little hint of the economic system in place. That a prosperous economy is consistent with strictly controlled flows of information is implausible to mainstream economic thinking today. Yet recall the novel was written in the early 1950’s, long before the freedom and prosperity nexus was as well understood as it is

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