
Positive Value Of Positivity

Decent Essays

In the midst of adversity, positivity can be described as a way of being or having an optimistic attitude and behavior. In the words of Walt Disney “I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.” Though Disney has undergone backlash regarding the depiction of the Polynesian god in the film Moana and criticism of patriarchal culture in Disney’s Enchanted. There is still many positive effects his films have on children today. The issues of equality, self-acceptance and faith can all be seen in Disney’s work. His viewpoint states that while having a positive mindset is beneficial, an individual should not be naive to the fact that life isn’t always what we want it to be. Positive thinking is like a muscle. However, the only difference is that it gives you a mental workout. The more you exercise it with positive thoughts, the stronger it will become. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not possible to think positively all the time. However a larger part of your thoughts should manifest good will and virtue. Therefore, I believe one should embody the value of positivity rather than the opposing value of negativity. Real positive thinking works by enforcing ways of managing internal or external stress. Some of my ways of managing internal stress are by praying, thinking hopeful thoughts, listening to music, socializing with family or friends, and something I like to call “me-time”. Otherwise known as sleep. Like

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