
Possible Futures In John Updike's A & P

Decent Essays

Possible Futures A&P by John Updike, takes place in a small conservative town in the 1960’s. The main character and narrator is an 18 year old named Sammy. As Sammy is working in the front of store, he notices three girls walk in wearing only their bathing suites. This would not have been unusual, however it is the 1960’s, a small town, and they are nowhere near a beach. He stares at the three girls, analyzing their movements and their possible motivations. Sammy takes notice of the most attractive girl, which he references as Queenie. He sees Queenie as beautiful, graceful and confident. The three girls walk around the isles of the store, drawing attention to themselves. As it is the 1960’s and in a small town nowhere near a beach …show more content…

Lengel the manager is “pretty dreary, teaches Sunday school and the rest, but he does not miss that much.”() Lengel begins to embarrass the girls for entering the store in such attire “Girls, this isn't the beach.”() “Girls, I don't want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It's our policy.”(). Queene begins to defend the girls, explaining that her mother wanted her to come to A&P “My mother asked me to pick up a jar of herring snacks.”() Sammy overhearing Queene defending herself and mentioning the herring snacks, he begins to envision her parents being economically well off unlike his own family. While Lengel is arguing with the girls, the other customers have “been showing up with their carts but, you know, sheep, seeing a scene.” When the manager asks Sammy if he is done ringing up the girls, he answers no and then rings up the girls and says he quits. He is hoping that the girls hear his resignation, however the girls were in such a rush to leave they did not stay and they rushed out of the …show more content…

Sammy is clearly bored at his job, I go through the punches, 4, 9, GROC, TOT -- it's more complicated than you think, and after you do it often enough, it begins to make a little song, that you hear words to, in my case “Hello (bing) there, you (gung) hap-py pee-pul (splat)”-the splat being the drawer flying out. His job is boring, not stimulating or exciting just a repetitive routine. As mentioned earlier in the synopsis, Sammy also feels superior to his coworker Stokesie, he wants something better than just what Stokesie has. Stoksie’s character symbolizes one of the possible futures that Sammy can have however, he doesn't want. Lengel symbolizes another future that Sammy could have, Lengel is a manager, Sunday school teacher, and dry not the life that Sammy is envisioning for himself. Quennie represents the third possible future. When Quennie and the other girls enter A&P they cause a distraction. All the customers are going about their routine as sheep, they do not pay attention to anything else other than getting their groceries and leaving. When the customers see the girls instead of going through the motions and shopping they stop and they heard to see the spectacle. Quennie and the girls represent adventure and excitement, different from the other two possible futures. When the girls get to the register and the argument begins with Lengel and the girls, Sammy is at a crossroad. Lengel represents the

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