
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )

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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and can affect anyone due to the likelihood of traumatic events and is often a common response (Ehlers and Clark, 1999) . In order to ensure the individual is prescribed relevant medicines and treatments such as counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy ,it is key that we know as much as possible about the event to enable those treating the individual a full view of what they are going through symptom wise ; as well as a predictive measure on how they will respond to relevant treatments. Patterns in treatment and research involved in why certain people develop PTSD are also important as a predictive measure, so that if they were to develop PTSD they are aware of options available to them. If an event that occurs such as rape, assault, being held at knifepoint, often direct experiences with traumatic events, it would be right to assume that these individuals were more likely to experience PTSD or related symptoms. Due to the nature of such experiences, it is very likely that these will be remembered and every day experiences may trigger flashbacks, hallucinations or panic attacks, which can prove detrimental to everyday life. If these incidents are reported, follow up action such as counselling can possibly prevent full blown symptoms which are often very difficult to deal with and can produce enormous amounts of stress and confusion upon the sufferer. Even still we cannot pinpoint the extent of an event to particular symptoms or a

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