
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )

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“…It is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” These words, said by the American General Douglas MacArthur, ring with a sad truth. Many people suffer in war, but possibly none more so than those who fight in it. Soldiers are faced with waking nightmares on the battlefield: constant threat of death, pain, and loss hang heavy over their heads, and they are often the first to bear witness to the horror and inhumanity of war. It is unfortunate, but unsurprising, that soldiers quite often come away from active duty mentally scarred due to their experiences on the front. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a severe anxiety disorder that develops in response to exposure to trauma, poses a serious concern …show more content…

The Hollow Men” also has a heavy usage of refrain, used to emphasize ideas or themes, and descriptive language, to create imagery. Overall, it has a somber sort of tone, created by Eliot’s use of words with a typically sad or negative connotation. The first section in the poem begins with the lines “We are the hollow men/We are the stuffed men” (Section 1, Lines 1-2), where the title of the poem is first dropped. The lines seem to contradict each other at first, but “hollow” can be taken to mean emotionally empty. “Stuffed” can be interpreted as being stuffed with straw, which is confirmed by the line Headpiece filled with straw. These lines add to the image that Eliot creates in the first stanza of a scarecrow (or something similar). This, in addition the poem’s epigram, A penny for the Old Guy, is an allusion to Guy Fawkes, an infamous historical figure associated with the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605- traditionally, a straw effigy of Fawkes is burned on a bonfire each year on the fifth of November. The stanza is the first example of Eliot’s usage of descriptive language in his poetry, as well as an extended metaphor, comparing the speaker’s group to these straw effigies. It also contains a small amount of personification in the lines “We whisper together/.../As wind in dry grass.” The second stanza consists of four paradoxes: “Shape without

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