
Post War Issues In The 1920s Essay

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Post war issues in the 1920s.
The 1920s was a time of big change in America. America was barley coming out of World War 1 and European affairs and was anxious to put that behind them. So during that time new invasions like a toaster and radio and washing machines and advisements in medicine were changing the quality of life people were living. But what was going under all the changes were post war issues. During the 1920s there were post war issues like fear of communism, Immigration, labor and changing economy.
One of the big post war issues was the fear of communism or as called the red scare. They red scare was the fear of communism over throwing the US government like it over throw the royal Family in Russia in 1917. And fear were becoming true when the Boston Police and 100000 steel and coal workers went on strike. And all the bombing that were going on at the time so the government arrested 6000 people on the bases of the fear of communism. But not many people got angry over the 6000 arrest but a lot of people got angry of the arrest of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. They were arrested charges of robbery were two guards were killed. And in there trail 61 people said they saw them in the …show more content…

More than 25 million foreigners migrated to America from 1880 to 1920. And a big amount of people migrating to America were Jewish or Catholic and that scared the natives because they were mostly Anglo Saxon and Protestant. And they also didn’t like them because they would take jobs for lower wags because they were used to old world customs. And because of all the immigrants coming over hate groups started to come up one of the most recognized one was the Ku Klux Klan or KKK. And the only people that could join were native white Protestants and they campaigned against Catholics, Jews and immigrants as well as African

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