
Poverty And Poverty

Decent Essays

Contraception, Population, and Poverty
As our world population continues to grow exponentially, issues arise due to need of compensation for a larger populace. In attempts to prevent further damage and decline in demographic progress, increased access to effective family planning and contraceptives for women has assisted in decreasing population growth and unwanted pregnancies, which eventually will lead to a decline in poverty. Those impoverished due to minimal access to proper family planning and contraception are the reason behind much of the poverty that our world is experiencing.
To begin, data shown in studies in Bangladesh and Ghana proved that rates in fertility decreased and women were more successful in their careers when there was increased access to family planning. According to David Canning of The Lancet, “Improvements in reproductive health and access to family planning can benefit the economy by improving general health and reducing fertility… Access to family planning not only reduces total fertility, but also reduces the numbers of high-risk births for women of very young maternal age… Contraceptive use can also improve birth spacing, which can further benefit the health of mothers and children, reducing maternal and child mortality (Canning).” With an increased availability of family planning services shown in these studies, women were capable of spacing out pregnancy, providing time for them to further their education, and subsequently work for higher

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