
Poverty And Poverty

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“Within the developing world, rates of childhood malnutrition are inversely related to income.”(Miller 167) Due to the fact that nutrition and amount of income are inversely related it means that low income family do not acquire the high nutritional foods to supply the people’s body with the sufficient fats and nutrients. Poverty can be defined as have “the lack of access to tangible or entangle resources that contribute to life and the well-being of a person”( Miller 80). The Alto do Cruzeiro women who live in these shantytowns are just one of many examples of the effect that poverty/low incomes has on these families.
The Alto do Cruzeiro which is one of the oldest, yet largest, but the poorest of the Shantytowns in Brazil. These shantytowns are a result of the Industrialization moving to these small town many of its occupants are either work in a rural farm, ranches, sugar plantations, and mills. Marriage are brittle in these towns and single parenting is the norm. Women within the Shantytowns are forced to find job to provide for their families. For example domestic work in the homes of the rich or into unprotected and oftentimes scab wages which are sometimes less than a dollar a day are some of the most common jobs that are chosen. Unfortunately the babies if the workers are not allowed in the work place whether it’s the house of the rich or plantations which could be located only miles from their home. The women cannot even afford to pay a baby sitter to watch the

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