
Poverty Eradication

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Poverty eradication Overview:
• Poverty has dropped significantly the last few years, but there is still extreme poverty in some of the rural places in the world.
• For poverty reduction it is crucial rural development and agricultural productivity
• Another thing that may have impact on the people living in extreme poverty may be Deteriorating ecosystems, unsustainable natural resource management and climate change
• Another significant factor is the inequalities in incomes and economic opportunities between and within countries, between rural and urban areas, and between men and woman. In fact, reducing suck inequalities will need to start with improving access for the poor to productive resources, basic services and social protection
• According to the United Nations The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of halving extreme poverty by the end of 2015 has been met, as the proportion of people living on less than USD 1.25 (purchasing power parity) per day (the extreme poverty line for 2005) in developing regions fell by more than half from 1990 to 2010
• However, progress has been uneven. Few Asian countries, primarily China, accounting for most of the decline. In low-income countries such as sub-Saharan Africa where the absolute number of poor has continued to increase, the rate of poverty reduction has been much slower.
• It is a

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