
Power Poses And Their Effect On Cognition

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Power Poses and their Effect on Embodied Cognition

Brandon Farley

Washington State University Vancouver

The current study was conducted to delve deeper into the relationship between muscular changes and subjects reported embodied cognitions. Thus was expected that power poses would have a significant increase on subject’s academic-related self-esteem. Subjects were 33 undergraduate students in an undergraduate psychology research methods course (males=9, females=24). Participants were split into 2 randomized groups, no-pose control group vs. power pose group. The control group was asked to relax as they wished, whereas the power pose group viewed images of different poses of which to imitate from. Experimental subjects copied 2 different power poses while holding the pose for 1 minute each. All participants rated questions regarding feeling frustrated about performance, how likely they are to feel self-conscious. Opposite to the current hypothesis, results showed that power pose condition showed similar amounts of self-esteem as the no pose-condition group did. Results indicate more investigation into power poses and their effects.

Keywords: self-esteem, power pose, embodied cognitions

Power Poses and their Effect on Embodied Cognition Scientists have been trying to study the relationship between physical positions and emotions. The interaction between the mind and body is an everyday ongoing phenomena. Every day the mind can influence the body and the

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