
Essay on Prayer in Public Schools

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Prayer in Public Schools

An issue that has been constantly debated for years is whether voluntary prayer in public schools should be permitted. A student should be allowed to pray voluntarily at the beginning of each school day based on many reasons. Prayer based on moral beliefs reinforce good citizenship as defined by our forefathers. A daily reminder of a need for the belief of good over evil is a necessary part of this society. Daily voluntary school prayer should be re-instated in public schools due to three reasons, the historical basis of the beginning of the United States government, the serious moral decline since prayer has been outlawed, and the government infringement on the constitutional guarantee of individual freedom …show more content…

Another reason for reinstating volunteer prayer in public schools comes from the fact that since prayer has been prohibited in public schools, the morality of the nation has declined. Since the Supreme Court outlawed prayer in public schools in 1960, the nation has seen a steady moral decline. There is a strong correlation between the expulsion of prayer in public schools and moral decline. Between the years of 1960 and 1990, the divorce rate has more than doubled, teenage pregnancy and teenage suicide has increased 250%. Child abuse is now at an all time high and since the end of school prayer, abortions have gone up more than 1000%. Universal principles of a civilized society are mandated by the Bible and re-enforce by prayer. In the words of Ben Franklin, ? When we were subject to danger from the war with Great Britain, we met daily in this room to pray for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard and graciously answered??Have we now forgotten our powerful Friend? Do we no longer need his assistance?? The coming together to pray daily provide support, re-enforcement and fellowship to keep minds focused on good instead of evil. Many psychological studies have found that people who pray daily have spiritual faith in goodness as presented in Christianity suffer less depression and are less likely to commit suicide. Parents teach their children morals at home. These lessons of right and

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