
Pre Islamic Period Of Arabian People

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Shadhan Al-Mahrouqi Rifat Dika Arabic 399 9/30/2015 Pre-Islamic Period of Arabian People Religion is a complicated multi-dimensional phenomenon that embraces all the spheres of people’s lives. Therefore, to analyze the meaning and objective effects of any religion, the researchers need to study e a particular society before the appearance of religion. It is common knowledge that understanding beliefs requires awareness of sociological, political, economic, psychological and philosophical life of a particular society. This paper is aimed to explore the Arabian society’s condition in Pre-Islamic period and to prove that the spread of Muslimism has considerably improved people’s well-being, creating political and social structure. Pre-Islamic …show more content…

Thus, the analysis should be performed on the basis of religious, political, economic and social conditions of Pre-Islamic Arabia rather than geographical description of the region. Nevertheless, the desert location of the land played not the last role in the formation of its radically different social dynamics as compared to Egypt, Iran and other territories. First of all, Pre-Islamic society had no political organization, including the absence of government. The matter is that Arabs accepted moral authority of their tribe’s chief, while any governmental leaders were not acknowledged. The absence of government meant that Arabs had no order and law, whereas the behavior of individuals was regulated by victim’s decision to bring the offender to justice, which led to lawlessness and cruelty (Berkey 40; Razwy n.pag.). The researcher Rodinson in his work states that “the free Arabs were bound by no written code of law, and no state existed to enforce its statutes with the backing of a police force” (Rodinson 190.). The factors that interrupted the Arabs from constant violence included the fear of vendetta and reprisals. Rodinson adds: “The only protection for a man 's life was the certainty established by custom, that it would be dearly bought. Blood for blood and a life for a life. The vendetta, tha 'r in Arabic, is one of the pillars of Bedouin society” (215). Thus, Pre-Islamic people’s understanding of the world

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