
Presentation Of Scrooge In A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens

Decent Essays

Scrooge is presented as a lonely character who has little left in life. Often he is linked to cold and darkness, perhaps linking to the demons he faces and how he presents them to others coming across as a moody, melancholics man. He has a fixation with money and how no money should be given away. Scrooge is similar to a villain in fairy tales which may be where Dickens got his character from. In the opening line of the extract Scrooge is described as "a tight-fisted hand at the grind-stone". This vivid imagery tells the reader that Scrooge is a hardworking man who takes his work seriously. "Tight fisted" could also represent how he gives no money away, he is tight and refuses to give away any money no matter what the circumstances are. Also, he is described as "solitary as an oyster" implying that although he is hard on the outside it is what inside that matters; his change in attitude later on in the novel could be seen as the pearl in the oyster. "Secret and self-contained" implies that he does not share anything with anyone along with having no one to turn to and express his emotions to, perhaps being the cause of his loneliness due to him pushing everyone away. …show more content…

"No wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitter than he" suggests that not even the freezing cold temperatures of a winters day can match Scrooges cold heartedness. Winter and falling snow come down "handsomely, and Scrooge never" does suggesting that even violent weather is beautiful in its own way but Scrooge is not; perhaps not even worthy of being likened to the beautiful

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